Alana Blanchard goes Shark Diving!

February 10th, 2015

Pro surfer Alana Blanchard and two of her friends, Leila Hurst and Camille Brady, goes on a shark diving adventure off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii.
Watch this 4:25min episode from her show “Alana: Surfer Girl” to take a look at how they enjoyed the experience.

Alana Blanchard is also the best friend of Bethany Hamilton who lost her arm during a shark attack, where Alana Blanchard was present during 2003. She was played by actress Lorraine Nicholson in the 2011 feature film Soul Surfer which was based on Bethany Hamilton’s life after the Shark Attack.

Also visit the official Youtube channel of Network A to watch more episodes from Alana’s show.

Watch the episode below:

Would you like to Shark Dive?

Go and shark dive in one of the Great White Hubs of the world: Gansbaai, South Africa. Read more about great white Shark Diving, and make your booking!