Shark Cage Diving Cape Town

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    Welcome to Shark Diving in Cape Town, Gansbaai, South Africa

    Great White Cage Shark Diving in Gansbaai South Africa

    The Ultimate Shark Diving Experience

    Shark Diving can experienced by anyone – from the safety of a cage, and no SCUBA certification required. In Gansbaai, known for “Shark Alley” we offer shark cage diving all year – peak season for seeing sharks is mid April – September, a bit depending on conditions and behaviour of the Sharks. But sharks are seen throughout the year, and it’s very rare to go on a shark dive in Gansbaai without seeing the Great White.

    We make life simple for you – book your Shark Dive directly, no up-front payments required, no booking fees, we guarantee and confirm your booking straight away. Just pay when you arrive on the day of your dive, cards or cash accepted.. Simple.

    Watch the quick action clip below:

    Shark Diving Reservations

    Bookings available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week via:

    Call us Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm:
    +27 (0)79 668 5485

    Email us: